Investment and Export Promotion Agency, abbreviated as APIEX,IP is a public institution, endowed with legal personality, with administrative, financial and patrimonial autonomy, is supervised by the Minister in charge of the area of Industry and Trade, tutelage created through Decree no. 60/2016 of 12 December.
The roll of APIEX is as follows
Development and implementation of actions aimed to Promotion and management of private or public investments, of national or foreign origin;
Promote and coordinate all activities related to the establishment, development and management of the Special Economic Zones (SEZs) including the Industrial Free Zones (IFZs).
Promotion of National Exports.

What we do?
Dissemination of the country’s image and economic potential;
Insurance of investment permits;
Provision of institutional support services to investors and exporters;
Inter-institutional articulation of analysis, approval and implementation of investment projects ;
Insurance of investment permits;
Provision of institutional support services to investors and exporters;
Inter-institutional articulation of analysis, approval and implementation of investment projects ;
Promotion and Development of ZEE’s and ZFI’s;
Provision of follow-up and monitoring services for approved investment projects;
Promoting of business links between small, medium and large investment projects.
Provision of follow-up and monitoring services for approved investment projects;
Promoting of business links between small, medium and large investment projects.
Promote and facilitate national and foreign investment, as well as the diversification of exports in accordance with the Government's economic policy objectives, with a view to contributing to the sustainable growth of the Mozambican economy.
Establish itself as a reference agency, at regional and international level, in attracting and promoting investment and exports, with a view to making Mozambique a preferred destination for investment.
- Efficiency
- Transparency
- Integrity and Discipline
- Business Consciousness
- Professionalism
- Modernization and innovation
- Impartiality
- Well Serve
- Zeal and Rigor
- Responsibility
- Excellence
- Reliability and fidelity
- Urbanity