Mozambique promotes business opportunities in Cuba
Mozambique will be participating in the 40th edition of the Havana International Trade Fair (FIHAV 2024) from 4th to 9thNovember 2024 in Havana, Republic of Cuba.
Mozambique’s participation in the event is being coordinated by the Investment and Export promotion Agency, IP (APIEX, IP), with the aim of promoting the country’s image as a preferred destination for Foreign Direct Investment, by showcasing its economic potential and national products with export potential.
The institutions representing the country in the event are as follows: the Investment and Export Promotion Agency, IP (APIEX, IP); the Ministry of Industry and Trade; the Mozambique Grain Institute (ICM, IP); the National Company of Science and Technology Parks E.P (ENPCT); the National Institute of Tourism (INATUR, IP); the Blue Economy Development Fund (Proazul, FP); and the Ministry of Justice, Constitutional and Religious Affairs (MJCR). The delegation also includes representatives of national companies, who are also travelling with the aim of showcasing their products and services, as well as establishing partnerships.
It should be noted that part of the Mozambican delegation is made up of sectors that are part of the Task Force for negotiating cooperation instruments between the two countries, and the participation also aims to monitor suchinstruments, as well as assess other areas of cooperation of common interest.
Mozambique participated for the first time in the Havana International Fair in 2023, having aroused the interest of several Cuban companies in investing in the country, as well as importing several national agricultural products.
FIHAV is an annual event organized by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment of Cuba. It is the largest multi-sector fair in the Caribbean and constitutes a fundamental business platform for countries that wish to present or expand their opportunities in the Cuban market.
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